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Glutathione is body's least known but greatest hero

Blog / 02/27/2025

Glutathione field of action

Glutathione is an important and very powerful endogenous antioxidant that is found in almost all human cells.

Because glutathione (the reduced form) is such a powerful REDOX buffer, it is also known as a major antioxidant.


Inside the cell, it protects our DNA, cellular lipids and proteins from free radicals and peroxides.

These can damage the body's cell structure and thus impair the normal function of metabolism.


Although glutathione can in principle be produced by all body cells, it is mainly produced in the liver.

This endogenous substance is an important part of biological transformation.

In this process, insoluble substances are combined and become water-soluble so that they can be excreted through the kidneys.

This detoxification process eliminates exogenous substances (endogenous synthetic compounds such as pesticides and drugs) and heavy metals, among others.

The human organism itself produces glutathione.

However, due to negative environmental impacts, it may be difficult to maintain healthy levels.

Free radical scavenger

The degree of oxidative stress in the body can be determined by the ratio of reduction (GSH) to oxidized glutathione (GSSG).

This ratio has been called a clinical marker to better assess the course of various diseases.

Normally, the ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione in the body is 9:1.

However, due to various toxic effects, the equilibrium shifts in the direction of the oxidation state.

Oxidized glutathione must first be recovered by glutathione reductase in order to perform its function as reduced glutathione.

In general, glutathione concentrations are significantly reduced in chronic diseases, such as excretory, digestive or cardiovascular diseases.

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